You may be a veteran or an occasional traveler. Regardless, your transportation to and from the airport can set the tone for your work or leisure activities. Whether you anticipate your conference presentation at headquarters, or seeing loved ones that you haven't visited in years, you're a person and not a commodity! There are many options for your transportation - you can travel in your friend's uncomfortable compact car, rent a car and drive yourself, hail a taxi or slide into someone else's car during a ride-share, or reserve high quality corporate limo service.
Car rentals can bring on stress when you have to navigate yourself in unfamiliar territory, even if you're using your "infallible" online maps app. Rental cars are also becoming increasingly more expensive due to taxes, fees and insurance on top of the base rate. And don't forget about finding a conveniently located gas station during your rental return so you're not paying $5 or more per gallon for gasoline as you hand the keys to the waiting attendant!
TaxiThen there's the taxi. Ever been in one? Even when the vehicle has been cleaned you still want to rush into your hotel room and shower while your clothes have been fumigated. If you want to have your blood pressure shoot up 30 points, watch how fast the meter tallies your cost for this ride while you talk to a driver who doesn't understand you and hope the tacky substance you just sat on was only chewing gum. Okay this is pretty dramatic, but I'm sure you get the picture.
Ride-SharingAlong comes ride-sharing, a relatively new concept in ground transportation with an objective of an affordable ride with a higher level of standards. Many times, riders get exactly that - a nice rider at a nicer price. However, as ride-sharing cuts into the taxi market, some of the taxi drivers who were rude and crude driving their yellow tube, have started to migrate into this market due to rider and revenue decline.
Corporate Limo ServiceThere really is no substitute for standards and quality. Standards that must include what a ground transportation rider wants and expects as they are heading to or from an airport. Here are some things you know that you didn't ask for because you thought that making such a request is too pricey or just wishful thinking:
An attractive, immaculately clean vehicle A chauffeur that greets you, opens the door for you, who you can enjoy friendly conversation with Your luggage placed carefully in the back of the trunk An inside vehicle experience second only to shopping for a brand new car at a new car dealership - smells great, feels great and looks great Complimentary bottled water Portal to portal service that allows you to take a nap if desired Your selection of music and temperature preference Power ports to charge your laptop and phoneAs transportation choices continue to morph, one thing you will appreciate about our corporate limo service is that neither standards or quality have been compromised. You're going to pay for transportation one way or another. Why not move in the comfort you deserve? Our goal is to provide more than just a ride, but an experience to be enjoyed.
Posted on Jan 31 2017